Whoever is happy will make others happy too.

Discover and find new connections during your 3-5 days Couples Retreat in Mallorca.

Contact me for more information.


Couples Retreat Mallorca

You want to take a step forward in your relationship?

This mini-retreat will be a transformative journey in a private setting tailored to your relationship status, needs and schedule. Take your next steps together – embark on a journey to rediscover yourself and as a couple. We will work with tools such as meditation, yoga, mindfulness, Reiki, self-realisation and coaching techniques.

My role is not to provide therapy with the aim of keeping your relationship alive. The focus is on each of you getting in touch with your true being in peace, happiness and ease – and very often this leads to new exciting discoveries within the relationship.

Happiness is an inside job.


Amodini was founded by Bettina Maul

The name Amodini, which means “The one who brings happiness and joy”, was given to me by one of my main teachers in India. As a meditation teacher and coach, couples retreats have become one of my greatest passions in recent years and I am deeply passionate about sharing tools and experiences with students in workshops and retreats.

6 reasons why couple retreats with Amodini are so successful

Holistic approach

A toolkit that covers all levels of our being: body, energy, mind and more.

Focused on the individual

The focus is on the individual and the couple’s goals are secondary.

100% private

No distractions as in group dynamics. We work individually as well as all 3 together.

Multiple techniques

The techniques range from yoga to meditation to coaching and healing.


We identify your strengths and tailor your practice to your individuality.

Simple and suitable for everyone

Regardless of your age, gender or health status, you don’t need experience.

Based on your personal needs and preferences, a 3/5 day personalised programme will be created to achieve maximum results. At the end of this couples retreat you will take home your own personal practice to further enhance your happiness in everyday life.

Coming together is a beginning

keeping together is progress

working together is success

Pricing & Locations

Enjoy this exclusive retreat in the comfort of your home, hotel or finca of choice. All private sessions are planned according to your schedule and preferred location.

All-inclusive options (program and hotel room) are available. Please contact me for a quote or find out more on the BookyogaRetreats platform.

810 €
1 x Welcome session (1 hour)
5 x Couple session (1.5 hour)
2 x Reiki session (1.5 hour)
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1.200 €
1 x Welcome session (1 hour)
9 x Private sessions (1.5 hour)
2 x Reiki session (1.5 hour)
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All-inclusive options with accommodation can be booked through BookYogaRetreat with a 30% deposit or contact me for a personalized quote.


All-inclusive offer

Couples Retreat at Aumallia Hotel & Spa

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.

Couples Retreats Mallorca

For many years I’ve helped guide beautiful souls through work that’s necessary to improve and resolve the physical, mental, and emotional challenges we all face in life. Together, we’ve explored how they can drop limiting beliefs and enjoy life aligned with their purpose so they can feel safe, free, loved, and happy.

Women in particular have often asked me with excitement after feeling plugged into life again after my classes, “How can I share this with my partner?” I usually answer that they shouldn’t try to convince him to take a courses or buy him yoga books for Christmas. Just shine and enjoy your happy life. Be the change you wish to see in the world and he will be curious to find out what caused the change in you.

After a few years I started working more with couples quite organically and the positive results and feedback convinced me to start my first official couples retreat.

I believe that our own happiness must always come first. Therefore, we need to change our situation and live our lives as an example for others, including our life partner.

When a partner questions you, makes fun of you or expresses disinterest in your passion to develop yourself, it can certainly be hard. You have to be strong, confident and determined to go your own way, even if you know it can lead to a disconnect between you and the one you love.

To be honest, I have often seen relationships end naturally when one person changes and the other does not. And that’s a good thing too! It’s the way it has to be at that moment.

AND, not, but I’ve also noticed the power of learning, exploring and growing together, gathering new experiences and reconnecting. There is nothing in the world more powerful than being passionate about something together.
To be honest, there is no guarantee that if you start this journey with your partner, you will go in the same direction forever. But if you both do your job right, you will slowly move from conditional to unconditional love and the outcome will no longer be relevant.


Amodini Body & Mind Coaching Services
Healing Workshop Mallorca


Customized Online Course

Spiritual Coaching Sessions

Couples Retreat Mallorca

Reiki Certification Training

Private Sessions & Programs

Anti Stress Programm

Reiki Courses Mallorca

Private Meditation Course

Online Video Course

Reiki Session Mallorca

De Stress Retreat Mallorca

Yoga Retreat September 2024

Couples Retreats Mallorca

Private Yoga / Meditation Sessions

Yoga & Meditation

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