Become a meditation master online

Amodini offers costomized meditation courses for goal-oriented people.

Contact us today for more information about our tailor-made online meditation courses.


Customized Meditation Course

Learning how to meditate and master your mind is one of life’s most amazing gifts: it improves and mobilises physical, mental and emotional well-being. For many, it is the opportunity to finally find or live their life’s purpose. This private and exclusive meditation course is for those who are serious about meditation and self-development and value their time. Meditation works like almost everything else in the world:

  • You have to take your time and make an effort to get good and achieve your goals, and the stronger your will is, the faster you will reach your goal.
  • A teacher can only support you, but not do your work. The more experienced a teacher is, the more likely they will be able to show you shortcuts based on your talents.


Amodini was founded by Bettina Maul

‘My meditation journey began with yoga. But very early on I understood that the mind aspect is crucial to the physical aspect and I prioritised it. I discovered through practising and studying different traditions and philosophies around the world that they all have the same goal – just different ways to get there. The diversity of my meditation experience and knowledge helps my clients today to find the path that suits them best, without limitations.’

6 reasons to book a customized meditation course with Amodini


People with high expectations need teachers with great experience.


We’ll focus on the parts of your practice that need the most attention.


Time flexibility and personal time preferences are guaranteed.


A unique selection of different meditation techniques.


I’ll help you refine your practice in the most enjoyable way possible.


We discover a meditation practice that is tailored to your individual goal..

When you book an individual meditation course with Amodini, you learn the steps of concentration, mastery of the mind and self-realisation for a holistic understanding of yourself and the next steps of your journey.

Happiness is an inside job.

The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see!

Pricing & Locations

Amodini offers tailor-made online meditation courses for goal-oriented and open-minded people. I recommend a weekly online session so that you have time in between for self-exercise and homework to get the best results, but all our programmes are tailored to your needs and schedule. Each course starts with a free welcome meeting to identify your status quo, needs, goals and timetable.

Quiet your monkey mind
275 €
1 x Welcome session (for free)
10 x 30 min/5 x 1 hour session
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Master your mind
500 €
1 x Welcome session (for free)
20 x 30 min/10 x 1 hour session
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675 €
1 x Welcome session (for free)
30 x 30 min/15 x 1 hour session
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Cancellation Policy: After a free welcome and introductory session, the full course is payable. We will create a schedule with all sessions. Cancellation of an agreed session within 24 hours is free of charge.

You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes everyday –
unless you’re too busy – then you should sit for an hour.

3 Steps of Meditation by Amodini

I hope this will help you to find your way around and get a rough overview of the practice. I have defined my own 3 stages of meditation and added examples of the status quo, benefits and techniques.

Good to know before reading about the stages:

  • Meditation doesn’t just come from one part of the world or one philosophy or one region, so depending on where you get your information, there will be different stages, benefits and techniques mentioned. It can be quite confusing as even the names of meditation techniques, if not trademarked, can be used in different ways.
  • Which meditation technique is best depends on what your goals are and what your talents are. Some of us find it easy to focus and concentrate, others find it easier to relax. Some of us are gifted in visualisation, others connect with sounds and still others just want to work with concepts. There is no right or wrong – it is only important that we find the best way for you.
  • The fact is that our minds tend to vacillate between states of attention and distraction. We perceive “external reality” with our senses and then filter it through our mind. Because of this filter, we rarely perceive an external object as it is, but it is always shrouded in an extra layer of associations, memories and projections. It is super exciting to discover the filter together.

General status quo: You are aware of a health, emotional or mental problem or an ‘unhealthy’ habit and want to solve it.

Meditation techniques: Almost any concentration or relaxation technique to help you get started, depending on your personal needs and situation.

Benefits: Relief, e.g. less stress, less anxiety, less memory loss, better sleep, hygiene and more.

Common challenge at this stage: If you are in survival mode, we need to work holistically to prepare you for meditation and take the first steps together in the most comfortable way. Book my private meditation course ‘Quite your monkey mind’ when you are ready.

General status quo: You want to improve certain areas in your life and/or your life is more or less okay, but deep down you know you are not living up to your true potential.

Meditation techniques: This stage is mainly about learning how to balance relaxation and concentration at the same time and slowly shift your focus from “I am this” to “I am”.

Benefits: Deeper reduction of stress, pain, etc. as well as improvement of self-awareness, promotion of mental health, increase of concentration and attention span, generation of empathy and kindness.

Common challenge at this stage: Either this stage is your introduction to meditation or your old meditation practice is not taking you to the next level. Whatever your situation, it is becoming increasingly difficult and a meditation master can help you work out what techniques you particularly need at this moment. Ready for level 2? Book my private meditation course ‘Master your mind’.

General status quo: You already practice meditation regularly, know how to concentrate and relax at the same time, but terms like “present moment”, “enlightenment” or “kundalini awakening” are still concepts and not lived.

Meditation techniques: The change from “I am this” to “I am” can be achieved through sitting meditation, but also through other realisation techniques.

Benefits: Endless.

Common challenge at this stage: This phase requires determination, enthusiasm and usually time to practise. It doesn’t have to be the priority in your life in terms of time, but it is usually the priority in my clients’ lives to achieve the goal. Make you time and book our private meditation course ‘Thriving’.

Book Your Customized Meditation Course

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