We all have basic needs and feeling safe is one of the most important. Without a sense of security, it’s difficult to achieve bigger dreams, and grounding and balance are the foundation for most other needs. Sometimes we can’t change external circumstances, but we can work on our energy – with our bodies, our minds, and our emotions, as well as with some simple lifestyle habits to get back on track.
Below you’ll find some general recommendations that, while general, are specific enough to improve anyone’s well-being. In my yin yoga classes, I sometimes say, “I’ve never met a person who is too grounded.” And all the recommendations here are also tools for stress reduction, because being grounded goes hand in hand with feeling calmer.
Environment: Nature
Nature is your best friend to heal, ground and regain balance.
- Look at the horizon:Ā A proven method recommended by many neuroscientists like Andrew D. Huberman. As often as possible (especially if you work a lot on a computer), we should allow our eyes to relax and enjoy a wider panorama or different view, because expanding our field of vision allows the body to shut down the stress response.
- Walk barefoot in the grass: Reuniting with mother earth is important. I even know some friends who always run barefoot, but you don’t have to become a little nature freak or hippie. Allow yourself the opportunity to walk in the grass once a week to ground yourself, go within, relieve tension and stress, and calm the mind.
- Spend time outdoors: Take a walk, a hike, a bike ride – whatever you prefer. Personally, I like to spend a few hours at the beach, go swimming and enjoy the water and sun. As long as you protect yourself from the sun, you know that vitamin D is important to keep your body feeling good and healthy.
Liefstyle Habits: Eating & Sleeping
- You are what you eat. To feel safe and secure, soul food is important. Be mindful of what you eat and try to avoid junk food and processed foods. By soul food, I mean the healthy version of your favorite childhood food. Delicious soups (hot food is often more nourishing to the soul than cold), organic vegetables and fruits, and lots of water. You can enjoy your pizza or pasta on your cheat day, too.
- As for sleeping, I recommend having a set schedule for when you wake up rather than committing to a specific time you go to bed. It’s best if you have a regular sleep schedule, but it’s even more important to wake up regularly. Try it out for a month to see the results.
Your body: Exercise and Breathwork
- Breathing: A restless nervous system is the most common symptom when you feel unbalanced, not grounded or stressed. The fastest way to calm your nervous system, besides Reiki, is the breathing exercise Anuloma Viloma , which you can practice for 5-10 minutes in the morning or evening. Learn more.
- Connective Tissue & Flexibility: A stiff and tight body can become supple and flexible with just a few Yin Yoga exercises a day. In general, I’m a big fan of yin yoga and its holistic benefits. If I had to pick one exercise that is particularly good for grounding, you’ll find a picture here. It’s about restoring the energy lines in your body, which in Chinese medicine are associated with the element of grounding. Once a day for 3 minutes is good. Contact me if you need more instructions.

- Balance exercises:
- This has nothing to do with yoga, but is my number one tip when working with students who have balance issues. Don’t sit down when you step into your shoes. Put both socks and shoes in front of you and put your socks and shoes on while balancing on one leg.
- My favorite Hatha exercise is the balancing stick. Amazingly good for alignment, strength and also balance; all at the same time. Practice this every day for 10 breaths on each side.

Your mind: Change your perspective
From my perspective, everything starts in the mind (or at the level of consciousness). So the most effective way is to work from the inside out: Start with the mind and go deeper to change the body, circumstances, and symptoms by changing thought patterns, perspectives, and limiting beliefs. Learning to meditate is a tool that has the greatest impact on feeling safe, grounded and balanced. Begin your journey.
Your emotions: Learn to understand their meaning
Depending on your situation and state of consciousness, there are different ways to understand and deal with your emotions: This can range from accepting and embracing emotions to learning to understand their meaning as a navigator. Emotions also need to be studied in order to navigate them in the best way possible. Do you know how to navigate your emotions? If you can’t, sometimes “fake it untill you make it” helps – it’s better than staying in victim consciousness for too long.
To summarize what I do when I don’t feel grounded. Since I use many of the above techniques on a daily or weekly basis, I just do them more or longer. I clear my schedule as much as possible and spend time in silence and stillness.Ā So ‘THINK & DO LESS’ – ‘REST IN SILENCE’. If you need support on your journey to balance, contact me.